I heard a song this morning by Steven Curtis Chapman called Remember Your Chains. This is the chorus.
Remember your chains
Remember the prison that once held you
Before the love of God broke through
Remember the place you were without grace
When you see where you are now
Remember your chains
And remember your chains are gone
It truly made me sit and think through all that I'd been saved from. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ I know that I've been saved by grace and
that I have eternity waiting for me. Have you really sat and thought back to the moment the chains of sin and slavery were gone? Do you remember the
moment? Do you remember what you've been rescued from? Oh, how it brings tears to my eyes to think on what might have happened if Jesus, my first love,
had not ridden in and rescued me from damnation. Now, I'm not preaching 'fire and brimstone'. I do, however, believe that there is a hell and a devil and
without Christ that would be your destination. But how glorious to have Christ!! I, in may own might would have not found Him, He found me.
I am so unworthy and unlovable at times. I'm not at all worth saving and yet our most loving and holy God has chosen me, of all people, to share in the
glory of heaven. Thats grace! Never would I have been
good enough. Yet He loves me! My chains are gone! Our Lord is the One and Only Living God! He controls the power to overthrow death! All those who have
put their trust in Him have nothing to fear. We will be in His presence. The light of the world! There will be no darkness. Think on what the alternative
would be if you did not know Christ. You need to know what you've been saved from to experience the true depth of His love for you. We are basically
sitting in a sess pool of sin and our Sovereign Father has reached down His marvelous, holy, and unblemished hand to retrieve us out of this world. We are
no longer of this world and it is no longer our home. We have a glorious future awaiting us! Doesn't it make your heart break for those who don't know Him?
Share the news of hope and love with them. Let them know that their chains can also be broken! Let them know of our freedom in Christ!
Remember your chains!