Most of our clothes are all wet and muddy. We've been going through at least two sets of clothes a day. I tried my best to wash out some by hand in order to keep up the supply and demand but it was just too humid and wet to allow them to dry. Those that did dry ended up smelling like mildew. UGhh. Have I mentioned that we have no running water? We've been hauling jugs of water from my parents house and buying drinking water. If only we had a nearby creek! The well should be put in by August. I'll even be able to use my own washer and dryer then. As soon as I empty out some of the pictures off my camera I'll take snapshots of our wild-outdoors-lifestyle! As hard as it seems to be without the basic of necessities its really been fun learning to adjust. I told my mom that the excitement I've been feeling over this new adventure can truly compare to being a newlywed with her very first home. And I've come to realize just how much I've taken for granted. Although I may not have running water I do have electricity, which means-a cool air conditioner, a microwave, a tv(for movies only), and plenty of outlets in which to plug in the vast number of 'this and thats' that require one. We also have a gas stove and oven and even a refrigerator. When you really step back and look at the situation we look pretty darn spoiled! I have been extremely blessed! And I pray to God that I never take any of this for granted! Because, you know what? None of 'this' really matters anyway. None of 'this' will get you into heaven. None of 'that' will bring you closer to the feet of Jesus. None of 'that' will serve your neighbor nor love your enemy. Do not in anyway misunderstand me. I'm not throwing in the towel and deciding just to live in a mudhole the rest of my life here on earth. I do believe that the bible instructs us to care for ourselves in a manner that enables us to care for others so that in turn no one has to care for us. You get me? We should aim to not be a burden on anyone. As in Pauls time there was a church just solely relying on the generosity of another church. And Paul admonished that reliant church for not caring for its own. What I do think is that being that we've been blessed beyond measure, and admit it, you are very blessed, we in turn need to be the living testimony for Christ. Our offering should be to further His kingdom. What am I doing today to further God's Kingdom and what sort of treasures am I storing up in heaven versus those here on earth? I have to ask myself what value am I putting on the things of this world compared to the value of the things of my Father. We should be able to put aside all things in order to serve. And serve not as to man, but as to the Father. By loving and serving your enemy it will be like heaping burning coals upon his head. That is how the world will know whose you are when you are able, through the Holy Spirit to do that which the world cannot.
So yes I am dreaming of one day building a house and planting gardens and such, but that is definitely not what I'm dwelling on. Mainly because God's dream and desire for me come before my own. And I'd like to think that mine and my Fathers will are one and the same. For where He instructs I will follow.
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