He was treated with an ice cream cone for dessert!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Have Shoes, Will Travel
Well, today was the day!! Our little man is finally walking. I'd got him some brand new shoes today and I suppose he thought he was offically a big boy now. As soon as I put them on him he took off. He was difinately the type who wanted no help from anyone and walked best when he thought no one was looking. 

He was treated with an ice cream cone for dessert!

He was treated with an ice cream cone for dessert!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A Few Random Pictures
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A Love Quest
As I was reading in God's word today a phrase stopped me short. It was in Job36:16 and it says "He(God) is wooing you..." Wow. According to Websters dictionary the word 'woo' is defined as
1 : to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with : court
2 : to solicit or entreat especially with importunity
3 : to seek to gain or bring about
Isn't that a beautiful thought? God truly longs for us to come to Him. It makes me think of when a young man courts his love. Wooing her to him with flowers and time spent on indulging her. Declaring over and over of his enduring love for her. How much more has God done for us. He has created the flowers! He will never leave or forsake us! His love for us in incomprehensible!
Psalms 103:8-11 says "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, now will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our inequities. For As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him."
As Jesus has told us in Rev.2:4 may we not "forsake our first love."
1 : to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with : court
2 : to solicit or entreat especially with importunity
3 : to seek to gain or bring about
Isn't that a beautiful thought? God truly longs for us to come to Him. It makes me think of when a young man courts his love. Wooing her to him with flowers and time spent on indulging her. Declaring over and over of his enduring love for her. How much more has God done for us. He has created the flowers! He will never leave or forsake us! His love for us in incomprehensible!
Psalms 103:8-11 says "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, now will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our inequities. For As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him."
As Jesus has told us in Rev.2:4 may we not "forsake our first love."
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Road to Homesteading
Sometimes the road to living a homesteaders dream is rather rocky, to say the least.
After nearly a month we've finally gotton phones that work!! But the more I think about it, it always could be worse than it truly is. Afterall, my parents house is only five miles away. It just makes us really appreciate the small luxuries we once took for granted. And you know what? It really hasn't been that bad. Now doing without running water is tough, I want lie to you about that one. But that will come in time as well. We are so very blessed!
After nearly a month we've finally gotton phones that work!! But the more I think about it, it always could be worse than it truly is. Afterall, my parents house is only five miles away. It just makes us really appreciate the small luxuries we once took for granted. And you know what? It really hasn't been that bad. Now doing without running water is tough, I want lie to you about that one. But that will come in time as well. We are so very blessed!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
First Night
Well, Miles left to go offshore yesterday for six weeks. Last night was my first night alone in our new surroundings. It always takes a while to adjust to the sounds and sights of the night in a new location. After nine years of marriage and five moves I still take a little while to rest easy when it comes nightfall. Being in the middle of the woods, in the dark, and without any way to communicate can definitely make someone like me, who has a vivid imagination, require the trust and faith that comes from living life alone. As I lay in bed talking with God I could see from my pillow up into the night sky. The view through the tree tops was breathtaking. The moon and stars shone so bright. It was amazing! I listened to the many sounds around us and could distinguish the song of whippoorwills, the cry of an occasional bob cat and the calls of coyotes as they journeyed through the forest. Not to mention the numerous sounds of the night insects playing their music. It ended up being very peaceful and tranquil. Despite the fact I lay there alone, I really didn't feel alone at all. I felt my Father in the creation around me. I could see his face in the stars that shone so bright through my window and hear His voice in the Pines and in that beautiful song of the whippoorwill. Yes, I'm not at all alone. It reminded me of this verse from Romans.
Romans 1:20 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
20 From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.
Rest easy my friends!
New International Version
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:7-8
Romans 1:20 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
20 From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.
Rest easy my friends!
New International Version
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:7-8
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hornets-A Lasting Impression
I've gotton into the routine of working outside during Travis' nap now. The girls go with me. We either meander through the woods dreaming of the best place to build a play fort or lay a dry creek bed. And sometimes I grab the nearest tool to work at clearing underbrush. Well, today was one of those days I chose to work. Its been a blistering hot day but the shade of the woods does give some reprieve. The work was going steady and the sweat poured from our brows. I'd chop and the girls would pull the dead limb out to the nearest clearing. Then it happened, I pulled up a dead tree and unearthed a nest of little black and yellow devils, better known to most as hornets. I saw them swarm and yelled out to the girls "Run, Run to the trailer!" Luckily, my kids obey on command and they ran as fast as their little legs could carry them. No questions asked. I could feel those little creatures attacking; as I looked down at my light gray shirt I saw that I was covered in those black and yellow creatures. I must have resembled a wild, Amazon women as I came out of those woods a hollerin' and only half clothed by this point. I had nothing but my hands to defend myself, the tools having been left behind as I ran. I was able to kill them best as a slammed my shirt against the hard earth. When I was finally able to slow down to catch my breath and examine my progress I glanced over at my two little girls. They stood, blue eyes as big as saucers, absolutely bewildered and not just a little scared. What they must've been thinking at seeing their mother throwing such a wild Comanche-like fit, I could only assume. One thing I know is those tiny creatures sure pack a punch! They have made a lasting impression on this women. I just hope that by evening they've settled down enough for me to go and retrieve my tools.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Remember your chains
I heard a song this morning by Steven Curtis Chapman called Remember Your Chains. This is the chorus.
Remember your chains
Remember the prison that once held you
Before the love of God broke through
Remember the place you were without grace
When you see where you are now
Remember your chains
And remember your chains are gone
It truly made me sit and think through all that I'd been saved from. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ I know that I've been saved by grace and
that I have eternity waiting for me. Have you really sat and thought back to the moment the chains of sin and slavery were gone? Do you remember the
moment? Do you remember what you've been rescued from? Oh, how it brings tears to my eyes to think on what might have happened if Jesus, my first love,
had not ridden in and rescued me from damnation. Now, I'm not preaching 'fire and brimstone'. I do, however, believe that there is a hell and a devil and
without Christ that would be your destination. But how glorious to have Christ!! I, in may own might would have not found Him, He found me.
I am so unworthy and unlovable at times. I'm not at all worth saving and yet our most loving and holy God has chosen me, of all people, to share in the
glory of heaven. Thats grace! Never would I have been
good enough. Yet He loves me! My chains are gone! Our Lord is the One and Only Living God! He controls the power to overthrow death! All those who have
put their trust in Him have nothing to fear. We will be in His presence. The light of the world! There will be no darkness. Think on what the alternative
would be if you did not know Christ. You need to know what you've been saved from to experience the true depth of His love for you. We are basically
sitting in a sess pool of sin and our Sovereign Father has reached down His marvelous, holy, and unblemished hand to retrieve us out of this world. We are
no longer of this world and it is no longer our home. We have a glorious future awaiting us! Doesn't it make your heart break for those who don't know Him?
Share the news of hope and love with them. Let them know that their chains can also be broken! Let them know of our freedom in Christ!
Remember your chains!
Remember your chains
Remember the prison that once held you
Before the love of God broke through
Remember the place you were without grace
When you see where you are now
Remember your chains
And remember your chains are gone
It truly made me sit and think through all that I'd been saved from. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ I know that I've been saved by grace and
that I have eternity waiting for me. Have you really sat and thought back to the moment the chains of sin and slavery were gone? Do you remember the
moment? Do you remember what you've been rescued from? Oh, how it brings tears to my eyes to think on what might have happened if Jesus, my first love,
had not ridden in and rescued me from damnation. Now, I'm not preaching 'fire and brimstone'. I do, however, believe that there is a hell and a devil and
without Christ that would be your destination. But how glorious to have Christ!! I, in may own might would have not found Him, He found me.
I am so unworthy and unlovable at times. I'm not at all worth saving and yet our most loving and holy God has chosen me, of all people, to share in the
glory of heaven. Thats grace! Never would I have been
good enough. Yet He loves me! My chains are gone! Our Lord is the One and Only Living God! He controls the power to overthrow death! All those who have
put their trust in Him have nothing to fear. We will be in His presence. The light of the world! There will be no darkness. Think on what the alternative
would be if you did not know Christ. You need to know what you've been saved from to experience the true depth of His love for you. We are basically
sitting in a sess pool of sin and our Sovereign Father has reached down His marvelous, holy, and unblemished hand to retrieve us out of this world. We are
no longer of this world and it is no longer our home. We have a glorious future awaiting us! Doesn't it make your heart break for those who don't know Him?
Share the news of hope and love with them. Let them know that their chains can also be broken! Let them know of our freedom in Christ!
Remember your chains!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Trailer life
Here are a few shots from inside the trailer.
This is where we eat our meals. Once we get a porch and a picnic table we hope to be eating more outside.
And unfortunately you've caught us once again eating junk! We were celebrating our closing!!! Yeah!!!! NO MORE MORTGAGE!! Hallelujah and praise the Lord!
Here is where the kids sleep and love to play. It has a little door that will close off this area. The top bunk above Maddie we are using for storage instead of a bed.


Here is the couch. I've covered it with a coverlet that I had. I wanted to be able to take it off to wash when needed. Maybe I'll get some blue throw pillows soon.
And here we see the oh-so-tiny bathroom.

This is the view up our driveway from the trailer site.
The dog's fenced in yard.
This is where we eat our meals. Once we get a porch and a picnic table we hope to be eating more outside.
And unfortunately you've caught us once again eating junk! We were celebrating our closing!!! Yeah!!!! NO MORE MORTGAGE!! Hallelujah and praise the Lord!
Here is where the kids sleep and love to play. It has a little door that will close off this area. The top bunk above Maddie we are using for storage instead of a bed.
Here is the couch. I've covered it with a coverlet that I had. I wanted to be able to take it off to wash when needed. Maybe I'll get some blue throw pillows soon.
And here we see the oh-so-tiny bathroom.
This is the view up our driveway from the trailer site.
The dog's fenced in yard.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The new McyD's spokesman?
During all the trips to and from as we were moving our diets were none too grand. One of those times we stopped by McDonalds to get the kids a happy meal. All three of the little guys got chicken nuggets and fries. I handed Travis his entire packet of fries (for the first time ever) and his blue eyes shone brighter as he held that packet up to his chest and devoured every last one of those french fries. He was the happiest fella. I got tickled the way he was holding onto his packet. He looked like the new golden arches spokesman with the logo showing just right.
Happy 4th of July!!
Jesus and the 4th of July
We gather ‘round to celebrate
On Independence Day
Pay homage to our country
As the children run and play.
With barbeques and picnics
And fireworks in the air
The flag we own is proudly flown
To show how much we care.
The stars and stripes spell freedom
She waves upon the breeze
While bursts of colors can be seen
Above the towering trees.
This is all quite wonderful
We revel in delight
But God above in divine love
Has brought this day to light.
With just a stroke of liberty
A touch of His great hand
He gave democracy to us
And helped this country stand.
The stripes upon our stately flag
Were touched by His sweet grace
Each star of white that shines so bright
Reflects His loving face.
So as you turn to face the flag
For battles that were fought
Be filled with pride for those who died
And freedoms that were bought.
But don’t forget to thank the One
That gives the bright display
The reason why we paint the sky
On Independence Day
This Jesus and the 4th of July poem
© was written by Marilyn Ferguson

I'm afraid the little man got left out of the picture because he was napping. After our bible study the girls sang "Our country tis of thee."
What a blessed thing to be free! No matter how much you may disaggree with the road our country is going down, our God is soverign and He Reigns!! I thank my God for this country and our freedom!
A Happy Independence Day to ya'll!!!
We gather ‘round to celebrate
On Independence Day
Pay homage to our country
As the children run and play.
With barbeques and picnics
And fireworks in the air
The flag we own is proudly flown
To show how much we care.
The stars and stripes spell freedom
She waves upon the breeze
While bursts of colors can be seen
Above the towering trees.
This is all quite wonderful
We revel in delight
But God above in divine love
Has brought this day to light.
With just a stroke of liberty
A touch of His great hand
He gave democracy to us
And helped this country stand.
The stripes upon our stately flag
Were touched by His sweet grace
Each star of white that shines so bright
Reflects His loving face.
So as you turn to face the flag
For battles that were fought
Be filled with pride for those who died
And freedoms that were bought.
But don’t forget to thank the One
That gives the bright display
The reason why we paint the sky
On Independence Day
This Jesus and the 4th of July poem
© was written by Marilyn Ferguson
I'm afraid the little man got left out of the picture because he was napping. After our bible study the girls sang "Our country tis of thee."
What a blessed thing to be free! No matter how much you may disaggree with the road our country is going down, our God is soverign and He Reigns!! I thank my God for this country and our freedom!
A Happy Independence Day to ya'll!!!
We are starting to mildew....
Today the sun has finally come out. It has been sooooo wet lately. We've learned now , the hard way(of course) that the trailer is in a rather low area and we'll need to build it up as soon as its dry enough to pull it out. The girls have loved the great big mud hole!

Can you tell that those are feet?
Most of our clothes are all wet and muddy. We've been going through at least two sets of clothes a day. I tried my best to wash out some by hand in order to keep up the supply and demand but it was just too humid and wet to allow them to dry. Those that did dry ended up smelling like mildew. UGhh. Have I mentioned that we have no running water? We've been hauling jugs of water from my parents house and buying drinking water. If only we had a nearby creek! The well should be put in by August. I'll even be able to use my own washer and dryer then. As soon as I empty out some of the pictures off my camera I'll take snapshots of our wild-outdoors-lifestyle! As hard as it seems to be without the basic of necessities its really been fun learning to adjust. I told my mom that the excitement I've been feeling over this new adventure can truly compare to being a newlywed with her very first home. And I've come to realize just how much I've taken for granted. Although I may not have running water I do have electricity, which means-a cool air conditioner, a microwave, a tv(for movies only), and plenty of outlets in which to plug in the vast number of 'this and thats' that require one. We also have a gas stove and oven and even a refrigerator. When you really step back and look at the situation we look pretty darn spoiled! I have been extremely blessed! And I pray to God that I never take any of this for granted! Because, you know what? None of 'this' really matters anyway. None of 'this' will get you into heaven. None of 'that' will bring you closer to the feet of Jesus. None of 'that' will serve your neighbor nor love your enemy. Do not in anyway misunderstand me. I'm not throwing in the towel and deciding just to live in a mudhole the rest of my life here on earth. I do believe that the bible instructs us to care for ourselves in a manner that enables us to care for others so that in turn no one has to care for us. You get me? We should aim to not be a burden on anyone. As in Pauls time there was a church just solely relying on the generosity of another church. And Paul admonished that reliant church for not caring for its own. What I do think is that being that we've been blessed beyond measure, and admit it, you are very blessed, we in turn need to be the living testimony for Christ. Our offering should be to further His kingdom. What am I doing today to further God's Kingdom and what sort of treasures am I storing up in heaven versus those here on earth? I have to ask myself what value am I putting on the things of this world compared to the value of the things of my Father. We should be able to put aside all things in order to serve. And serve not as to man, but as to the Father. By loving and serving your enemy it will be like heaping burning coals upon his head. That is how the world will know whose you are when you are able, through the Holy Spirit to do that which the world cannot.
So yes I am dreaming of one day building a house and planting gardens and such, but that is definitely not what I'm dwelling on. Mainly because God's dream and desire for me come before my own. And I'd like to think that mine and my Fathers will are one and the same. For where He instructs I will follow.
Most of our clothes are all wet and muddy. We've been going through at least two sets of clothes a day. I tried my best to wash out some by hand in order to keep up the supply and demand but it was just too humid and wet to allow them to dry. Those that did dry ended up smelling like mildew. UGhh. Have I mentioned that we have no running water? We've been hauling jugs of water from my parents house and buying drinking water. If only we had a nearby creek! The well should be put in by August. I'll even be able to use my own washer and dryer then. As soon as I empty out some of the pictures off my camera I'll take snapshots of our wild-outdoors-lifestyle! As hard as it seems to be without the basic of necessities its really been fun learning to adjust. I told my mom that the excitement I've been feeling over this new adventure can truly compare to being a newlywed with her very first home. And I've come to realize just how much I've taken for granted. Although I may not have running water I do have electricity, which means-a cool air conditioner, a microwave, a tv(for movies only), and plenty of outlets in which to plug in the vast number of 'this and thats' that require one. We also have a gas stove and oven and even a refrigerator. When you really step back and look at the situation we look pretty darn spoiled! I have been extremely blessed! And I pray to God that I never take any of this for granted! Because, you know what? None of 'this' really matters anyway. None of 'this' will get you into heaven. None of 'that' will bring you closer to the feet of Jesus. None of 'that' will serve your neighbor nor love your enemy. Do not in anyway misunderstand me. I'm not throwing in the towel and deciding just to live in a mudhole the rest of my life here on earth. I do believe that the bible instructs us to care for ourselves in a manner that enables us to care for others so that in turn no one has to care for us. You get me? We should aim to not be a burden on anyone. As in Pauls time there was a church just solely relying on the generosity of another church. And Paul admonished that reliant church for not caring for its own. What I do think is that being that we've been blessed beyond measure, and admit it, you are very blessed, we in turn need to be the living testimony for Christ. Our offering should be to further His kingdom. What am I doing today to further God's Kingdom and what sort of treasures am I storing up in heaven versus those here on earth? I have to ask myself what value am I putting on the things of this world compared to the value of the things of my Father. We should be able to put aside all things in order to serve. And serve not as to man, but as to the Father. By loving and serving your enemy it will be like heaping burning coals upon his head. That is how the world will know whose you are when you are able, through the Holy Spirit to do that which the world cannot.
So yes I am dreaming of one day building a house and planting gardens and such, but that is definitely not what I'm dwelling on. Mainly because God's dream and desire for me come before my own. And I'd like to think that mine and my Fathers will are one and the same. For where He instructs I will follow.
Friday, July 2, 2010
A Quick update
Just a quick update, we are officially moved onto the land now! Its taking quite a bit to get settled because we've had ALOT of rain lately and its just a big mud hole right now. We are loving it though!! I have a few pictures that I will put up as soon as I can. I'm having to use my parents computer at the moment.
Our closing date has been moved to this Tuesday. But everything is still going well in that regard.
Be back here as soon as I can!!
Our closing date has been moved to this Tuesday. But everything is still going well in that regard.
Be back here as soon as I can!!
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