Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why we've decided to 'home church'

I know that I've mentioned before that we home church when we're in Rusk. I never have elaborated on way we chose to do so when there is a 'church' on every corner down here in the south. I think I'll take this time to tell you all about it now.
I am going to list just a few of the primary reasons that come from a great website and then I will fill in my families convictions and my own thoughts on the matter. I just really like the way this guy puts it. His words are in bold.
1. Home Church is Biblical. How often have you read in the bible that Jesus taught in so many different places? Many times they were on seashores, seated in the grass, in homes. People passing by on their way would stop on the road to listen to Jesus speak. Was this a church meeting? Of course! The bible says that when two or more are gathered there He is in the midst of them. I fully believe this! I believe that a church meeting is anytime two or more get together in fellowship and open up their bibles together to learn to grow in Him. I don't care if its Sunday morning at 9:30 or Tuesday at 2:00 in the afternoon, that is still a church meeting.

2.The essence of Christianity is easily accomplished in a simple and uncomplicated setting. We don't have to worry about the pew colors or whether or not the budget allows for a better piano. All we are about is Jesus! The simplicity opens doors for everyone, just the way they are, to learn more of Jesus. And not only learn of him but grow in a relationship with him! It also allows for spontaneity. In allowing the holy spirit to lead, amazing things can happen!

3. Group participation with all people functioning should be the primary dynamic of any church meeting (1 Cor. chapter 14)This is the backbone of any church meeting. The home church holds us accountable to be in his word. Each and everyone of us have a gift or gifts to bring. Your gift might be that of compassion and one meeting all you do is mentor and cry with a fellow christian who might be hurting. Letting God use you in the way He sees fit, that is another exciting aspect of home church. You don't have to wait until service is over to wrap your arm around somebody.

4. Connecting with others and developing meaningful relationships is easily accomplished in a home church atmosphere. In today's society of cell phones, texting, and email it seems that all the intimacy has been lost. Being a part of a home church allows us a better opportunity to be together and develop true bonds. Sometimes in life God doesn't answer us right away. Even though we know He's always with us there will still be trouble. There are always valleys. How much better is it to have God's people gathered around you in those times? I haven't many close friends but I do know the ones I can call when God seems far away and the mountains get hard to climb. I don't need the building in those times, do I? No, its the people.

5. "Being the church" and sharing life together in community with others, instead of just attending a meeting, is the desire and purpose of most people who home church. I'm a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ! I'm saved through his grace! Nothing can change that! Hallelujah and Amen!! Which also means that I'm a christian, not just on Sunday, but every day! 24 hours a day and 7 days a week I am a christian. My life and all that I am. Every breath a take is in Him. I am His and he is mine. He wants all of me. So here I am Lord! Not just on Sunday! We ARE the living and breathing temple of God!

Another point I'd like to make is this. Tithing- according to tradiontal churches we are all meant to give 10%. That is actually an old testament requirement. New Testament churches did not need money. They ran on the power of the Holy Spirit. They ran on passion! They were alive! And they grew! Our modern traditional churches are mostly void of life, in order to fill the pews they crank up the hype. New this , new that, prettier this, prettier that, more of this more of that. In order to fund all this they chose to keep the old testament requirement of 10%. Because Jesus overcame the old covenant by becoming the final and ultimate sacrifice, he no longer requires a tenth of our income, he requires it ALL! All I have is his. If he asks us to give $100 towards printing bibles in Africa, there it will go. The next month he might want us to buy groceries for the family behind us in the grocery store, that will be done. What it comes down to, for us, is that all we have God gave to us so in return we'll give how much and to where he wants us. There is no electricity bill or pastor to pay so the WHOLE amount goes to furthering God's kingdom.
We will be in the community we live in as the living and breathing 'church'. And we believe we can touch many more lives by being open to running wild with the Holy Spirit!
I also LOVE having my children with me in church and not pushed aside as if they're a nuisance. I know, from reading the bible, that Jesus loved children and that they were there listening to him speak. Children retain a lot more than we adults give them credit for. They are always learning and Miles and I want to be the ones to guide them towards a spiritual walk with the Lord. I don;t want to rely on the sunday school teacher or youth leader to do, what I see, as being MY job.
I, in no way, am a disgrutled church-goer who is just into the newest fad. This is where God is leading us. I have nothing againist church buildings and I know many wonderful believers who attend them. We have just felt we've been missing something and believe that now we've found it.

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