Friday, May 14, 2010

Vroom vroom/Captured

I hadn't even had breakfast finished this morning when my little guy was already on the move with his favorite blue car. He doesn't actually "vroom vroom" its more of a growl that makes the motor run. He was doing a great motor sound with his tongue that sounded just like a little motor boat. He has since retired that for a hand full of different sounds. And a great big 'holler' when his sisters get in the middle of his 'road'. We'll have to work on that 'be kinder' thing very soon. Actually I'm starting that now. He's a rough and tough little dude. And he sure plays that way. 'Be gentle' is a common phrase directed to him lately.

An update on the rats in the coop: They have been eradicated! For now anyway. I have yet to find any more evidence of them for the last couple of days. Living out in the country its just something you have to deal with. For instance, I hate admitting this because I feel that it's so nasty and dirty and makes me think my house must not be clean enough, but we got a little mouse in the house recently. I found evidence of him being on my kitchen counters. Of course, I jumped into action right away and put out so many mouse traps that the house resembled a mine field. It worked! I caught the little spy in the laundry room. As I took the trap out from beside the washer I marveled at what a cute tiny creature he was. I caught myself commending God on creating this adorable little mouse. From his itsy bitsy toes to his pretty white belly. He must've been such a smart fellow to have evaded capture these last few days. I took his tiny little body out of the trap and almost felt sorry for the creature that just moments ago I loathed. He looked as though he must've had a name to him, as if he were someones little pet. Of course, after a flung him out into the field far from the house I chided myself on being so sentimental and soft. After all, Ashley, you have to just get over it! This is the same little creature that was wreaking havoc and crawling around on the same floor as your precious children. Okay, the moment of irrational behavior has gone and I once again can't stand mice!

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